§ 7068. Requirements for Construction Projects on Leased Property.  

Latest version.
  • (a) If a Children's Hospital proposes to use Grant funds for a Project other than equipment acquisition on property where the Children's Hospital or the California nonprofit corporation of which the Children's Hospital is an operating entity is a lessee under a lease agreement, the following requirements shall be satisfied prior to any release of Grant funds pursuant to Sections 7066 or 7067:
    (1) The lease agreement shall provide the Children's Hospital or the California nonprofit corporation of which the Children's Hospital is an operating entity, as lessee, full access to the site to carry on its healthcare purposes.
    (2) The term of the lease agreement must meet one of the following:
    (A) The term of the lease agreement shall be at least as long as the useful life of the Project under the Grant.
    (B) If the landlord under the lease agreement is an Affiliate, the term of the lease agreement must be at least 74% of useful life of the Project under the Grant.
    (3) A current title report on the site, brought up to date as of the effective date of the lease agreement shall be provided to the Authority. The title report shall show all of the following:
    (A) No delinquent taxes or assessments or, if there are delinquent taxes or assessments, these are being contested in good faith and the Children's Hospital has set aside on its books adequate reserves to pay these taxes or assessments.
    (B) No easements, exceptions or restrictions on the use of the site that will interfere with or impair the operation of the Project.
    (C) No superior liens (deeds of trust or other rights) in the property. If there are any superior liens, they shall be subordinated to the lease agreement. The lease agreement shall provide that any subsequent encumbrance on the property (e.g. deed of trust) or sale of the property shall be subject to the lease agreement.
    (4) Any one of the following shall be satisfied:
    (A) The lease agreement shall provide for a nominal rent (e.g. $1 per year).
    (B) Full rent under the lease agreement shall be paid in a lump sum up front.
    (C) The Children's Hospital or the California nonprofit corporation of which the Children's Hospital is an operating entity shall covenant in the Grant Agreement to budget for payment of rent each year.
    (5) The lease agreement shall provide that the only remedy for any default, including failure to pay rent, by lessee Children's Hospital or the California nonprofit corporation of which the Children's Hospital is an operating entity is suit for rent or specific performance to remedy any specific breach. The landlord's remedies for any default by lessee Children's Hospital or the California nonprofit corporation of which the Children's Hospital is an operating entity may not include cancellation of lease agreement, retaking of property or eviction of the lessee.
    (6) The lease agreement shall provide for either one of the following:
    (A) The lessee Children's Hospital or the California nonprofit corporation of which the Children's Hospital is an operating entity is obligated to pay all taxes and assessments on the property.
    (B) The landlord will provide the lessee Children's Hospital or the California nonprofit corporation of which the Children's Hospital is an operating entity with notice of any failure to pay taxes or assessments on the property and an opportunity for the lessee Children's Hospital or the California nonprofit corporation of which the Children's Hospital is an operating entity to cure the failure.
    (7) The landlord shall demonstrate that the lease agreement is legally authorized and has been properly approved and executed and enforceable against the landlord. The landlord shall provide a legal opinion of qualified counsel to this effect that is acceptable to the Authority.
    (8) The lessee Children's Hospital shall demonstrate that the lease agreement is legally authorized and has been properly approved and executed and enforceable against the lessee Children's Hospital or the California nonprofit corporation of which the Children's Hospital is an operating entity. Lessee Children's Hospital shall provide a legal opinion of qualified counsel to this effect that is acceptable to the Authority.
    (9)(A) Except as provided in (B), the Children's Hospital shall provide a legal opinion that either: 1. the landlord is a special purpose entity which cannot enter bankruptcy proceedings under the federal Bankruptcy Code, or 2. the lease agreement will not be an executory contract and cannot be rejected by the landlord in the event of bankruptcy. The legal opinion shall be acceptable to the Authority.
    (B) For so long as the landlord is an Affiliate of lessee Children's Hospital or the California nonprofit corporation of which the Children's Hospital is an operating entity, the requirements of (A) do not apply.
    (10) The Grant Agreement shall provide that if the lease agreement terminates prior to the end of the useful life of the Project under the Grant and the property that was subject to the lease agreement is not simultaneously re-leased under a new lease agreement that complies with the requirements of this Section 7068 or fee title to the property that was subject to the lease agreement is not simultaneously transferred to the Children's Hospital, the Authority is entitled to recover the Grant funds pursuant to Section 7070.
    (11) When a Project on leased property includes improvements to any common areas that are shared with other tenants or areas that are not leased by the lessee Children's Hospital or the California nonprofit corporation of which the Children's Hospital is an operating entity under the lease agreement, the Grant funds shall be limited only to the proportionate costs of the Project which exclude the costs related to such areas.
    (12) Prior to approval of the Grant by the Authority, the Applicant shall submit the proposed lease agreement for review and demonstrate compliance with all of the above conditions and any other conditions required by the Authority.
    (b) For purposes of this section, “Affiliate” means an entity which, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, is controlled by or is under common control with the lessee Children's Hospital or the California nonprofit corporation of which the Children's Hospital is an operating entity.
1. New section filed 7-31-2009; operative 7-31-2009 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2009, No. 31).


Note: Authority cited: Sections 1179.55, 1179.57 and 1179.61, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 1179.55, 1179.57 and 1179.58, Health and Safety Code.