§ 6202. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) “Local government” means a city, county, or city and county.
    (b) “Income level” means the household income level for the category identified.
    (c) “Very low-income” means the same as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 50105.
    (d) “Low-income” or “lower-income” means the same as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 50079.5.
    (e) “Moderate-income” means the same as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 50093.
    (f) “Above moderate-income level” means the household income exceeds the moderate-income level.
    (g) “Permitted units” means units for which building permits for new housing construction have been issued by the local government during the reporting calendar year. For this purpose, “new housing unit” means housing units as defined by the Department of Finance for inclusion in the Department of Finance's annual “E-5 City/County Population and Housing Estimates” report. Permitted units also include units for low- and very low-income households identified in the jurisdiction's housing element and receiving committed assistance pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 65583.1
    (h) “Second-Units” mean the same as defined in Government Code Section 65852.2(i)(4).
    (i) “Multifamily development” means a housing project or development of 5 or more attached units.
    (j) “Project” or “Development” refers to a housing related activity where new construction of a unit(s) has had a building permit issued during the reporting calendar year. This may include single family, mixed use, multifamily, second-unit, or any other developments where housing units as defined by the US Census Bureau and the California Department of Finance are a component of the project.
    (k) “RHNA” means the local government's share of the regional housing need allocation pursuant to Government Code Section 65584 et seq.
    (l) “Annual report” means that part of the annual report required by Government Code Section 65400 meeting the requirements of subd. (a)(2)(B) of that section and having the contents described in Section 6203.
1. New section filed 2-25-2010; operative 3-27-2010 (Register 2010, No. 9).


Note: Authority Cited: Section 65400, Government Code. Reference: Sections 65400 and 65584, Government Code.