§ 6192. Incidental Expenses.  

Latest version.
  • If the real property is acquired by purchase, the public entity shall pay all reasonable expenses incident to transfer. Among the expenses requiring payment are: recording fees, transfer fees and similar expenses incident to the conveyance of real property, and the pro rata portion of charges for public service such as water, sewage and trash collection which are allowable to a period subsequent to the date of transfer of title to the public entity or the effective date of possession of such property by the public entity, whichever is earlier. The public entity shall inform the owner that he may apply for a rebate of the pro rata portion of any real property taxes paid.
1. Amendment filed 11-5-76 as an emergency; designated effective 11-27-76 (Register 76, No. 44).
2. Certificate of Compliance filed 2-16-77 (Register 77, No. 8).