§ 6139. Last Resort Housing.

Latest version.
  • (a) Whenever comparable replacement dwellings are not available, or are not available within the monetary limits of Government Code sections 7263 and 7264, as appropriate, the displacing agency shall provide additional or alternative assistance under the provisions of this part.
    (b) The methods of providing replacement housing of last resort include, but are not limited to:
    (1) A replacement housing payment calculated in accordance with the provisions of sections 6102 or 6104, as appropriate, even if the calculation is in excess of the monetary limits of Government Code sections 7263 and 7264. A rental assistance payment under this part shall be paid to the displaced person in a lump sum, or at the discretion of the displacing agency, $5,250 shall be paid to the displaced person in a lump sum upon displacement and the remainder of the payments shall be paid to the displacee in periodic payments over a period not to exceed 42 months unless otherwise specified by statute.
    (2) Major rehabilitation of and/or additions to an existing replacement dwelling in a sum equal to or greater than the payment to which the displaced person is entitled under subsection (b)(1).
    (3) The construction of a new replacement dwelling in a sum equal to or greater than the payment to which the displaced person is entitled under subsection (b)(1) of this section.
    (4) The relocation and, if necessary, rehabilitation of a dwelling.
    (5) The purchase of land and/or a replacement dwelling by the displacing agency and subsequent sale or lease to, or exchange with a displaced person.
    (6) For purposes of accommodating the needs of handicapped persons, the removal of barriers to the handicapped.
    (c) Only at the discretion of displacing agencies are post-acquisition tenants entitled to last resort housing payments.
1. New section filed 8-12-97; operative 9-11-97 (Register 97, No. 33).
2. Amendment of subsection (b)(1) filed 10-7-99; operative 11-6-99 (Register 99, No. 41).


Note: Authority cited: Section 50460, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 7263, 7264 and 7264.5, Government Code.