§ 6124. Development of Replacement Housing Plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General.
    (1) Following the determination pursuant to section 6122, the head of the displacing public entity shall develop or cause to be developed a replacement housing plan to produce a sufficient number of comparable replacement dwellings. The plan shall specify how, when and where the housing will be provided, how it will be financed and the amount of funds to be diverted to such housing, the prices at which it will be rented or sold to the families and individuals to be displaced, the arrangements for housing management and social services as appropriate, the suitability of the location and environmental impact of the proposed housing, the arrangements for maintaining rent levels appropriate for the persons to be rehoused, and the disposition of proceeds from rental, sale, or resale of such housing. If a referendum requirement or zoning presents an obstacle, the issue shall be addressed.
    (2) All contracts and subcontracts for the construction, rehabilitation or management of last resort housing shall be let without discrimination as to race, sex, marital status, color, religion, national origin, ancestry or other arbitrary circumstance and pursuant to an affirmative action program. The public entity shall encourage participation by minority persons in all levels of construction, rehabilitation, planning, financing and management of last resort housing. When the housing will be located in an area of minority concentration, the public entity shall seek to secure significant participation of minorities in these activities. The public entity shall require that, to the greatest extent feasible, opportunities for training and employment arising in connection with the planning, construction, rehabilitation, and operation of last resort housing be given to persons of low income residing in the area of such housing and shall determine and implement means to secure the participation of small businesses in the performance of contracts for such work.
    (b) Citizen Participation.
    (1) If the need for last resort housing exceeds 25 units, the head of the displacing public entity shall establish a committee which will consult with and provide advice and assistance to the displacing public entity in the development of the plan. The committee should include appointed representatives of the displacing entity and state and local agencies knowledgeable regarding housing in the area, including but not limited to the local housing authority and the central relocation agency, if any. In addition, the committee should include representatives of other appropriate public groups (for example, local and areawide planning agencies) and private groups knowledgeable regarding housing and the problems of housing discrimination.
    (2) The committee shall include representatives of the residents to be displaced. These representatives may be appointed by the displacing entity or elected by the residents, as the residents wish. Resident representatives shall, at a minimum, constitute one-third of the committee membership. Votes shall be allocated so that the total votes of resident representatives shall equal one-half of the total votes of the committee membership.
    (3) The plan must be approved by the vote of a simple majority of the committee membership. In the event the committee fails to approve the plan, the local governing body or, where the displacing entity is a state agency, the head of the state agency may substitute its approval.
    (c) Consultation with Other Housing Agencies and Organizations.
    The head of the displacing public entity may consult or contract with the department, a local housing authority, or other agency or organization having experience in the administration or conduct of housing programs to provide technical assistance and advice in the development of the replacement housing plan.