§ 6056. Termination of Relocation Assistance.  

Latest version.
  • A public entity's relocation obligations cease under the following circumstances:
    (a) A displaced person moves to a comparable replacement dwelling and receives all assistance and payments to which he is entitled.
    (b) The displaced person moves to substandard housing, refuses reasonable offers of additional assistance in moving to a decent, safe and sanitary replacement dwelling and receives all payments to which he is entitled.
    (c) All reasonable efforts to trace a person have failed. To ensure that the action of a public entity does not reduce the housing supply in critical categories or locations, unsuccessful efforts to trace a particular displaced person shall not lessen the obligation to provide last resort housing. (See Article 4.)
    (d) The business concern or farm operation has received all assistance and payments to which it is entitled and has been successfully relocated or has ceased operations.
    (e) A person displaced from his dwelling, business or farm refuses reasonable offers of assistance, payments and comparable replacement housing.