§ 6054. Last Resort Housing.  

Latest version.
  • (a) No eligible person shall be required to move from his dwelling because of the action of a public entity unless comparable replacement housing is available to him.
    (b) If on the basis of its survey and analysis of relocation needs and resources a public entity cannot determine that comparable replacement housing will be available as required, the public entity may not proceed with any phase of a project or other activity which will result in displacement unless it provides such housing. (See Article 4.)
    (c) If the action of a public entity has resulted or is resulting in displacement and comparable replacement housing is not available as needed, the public entity shall use its funds, or funds authorized for the project to provide such housing (see Article 4), or shall terminate or suspend further implementation of the project activity in accordance with the provisions of section 6018.
    (d) Temporary relocation resources may be relied upon in the interim only if the provisions of section 6004 are satisfied.