§ 6048. Survey and Analysis of Relocation Needs.  

Latest version.
  • (a) (1) Requirement. Immediately following the initiation of negotiations interview all eligible persons, business concerns, including nonprofit organizations, and farm operations to obtain information upon which to plan for housing and other accommodations, as well as counseling and assistance needs.
    (2) Coordination with Other Agencies. Other agencies may also be conducting surveys in the area at the same time. Coordination will be necessary to avoid duplication and to ensure that necessary information is available at the appropriate time. Surveys utilized to gather data for social service referrals should be planned in cooperation with social service agencies and a referral system should be established.
    (3) Information to Persons to Be Displaced. The local agency shall carefully explain and discuss fully with each person interviewed the purpose of the survey and the nature and extent of relocation payments and assistance that will be made available. All persons shall be advised and encouraged to visit the relocation office for information and assistance.
    (4) Relocation Records. Based on information obtained during the survey and other sources as applicable, the local agency shall prepare and maintain an accurate relocation record for each person to be displaced. The record shall contain a description of the pertinent characteristics of the persons to be displaced and the assistance deemed to be necessary.
    (b) The survey shall be by direct, personal interview, except where repeated efforts indicate that is not possible. When a person cannot be interviewed or the interview does not produce the information to be obtained reasonable efforts shall be made to obtain the information by other means. Eligible persons should be encouraged to bring any change in their needs to the attention of relocation officials. The survey shall be updated at least annually.
    (c) A public entity shall endeavor to obtain the following information: income; whether a person is elderly or handicapped; size of family; age of children; location of job and factors limiting accessibility; area of preferred relocation; type of unit preferred; ownership or tenant preference; need for social and public services, special schools and other services; eligibility for publicly assisted housing; and with reference to the present dwelling, the rent, the type and quality of construction, the number of rooms and bedrooms, the amount of habitable living space, and locational factors including among others public utilities, public and commercial facilities (including transportation and schools) and neighborhood conditions (including municipal services). Other matters that concern a household as its members contemplate relocation should also be included.
    (d) A written analysis of relocation housing needs shall be prepared. It shall be prepared in sufficient detail to enable determination of the availability for all potential displaces of housing which meets the standards set forth in the definition of comparable replacement housing. The information concerning home ownership and rental units shall be provided separately. The number of units needed shall be identified by cost for each size category. The needs of elderly and handicapped households shall be shown separately and shall include information on the number of such households requiring special facilities and the nature of such facilities.
    The statement of relocation housing needs shall include a description of the locational characteristics of the displacement area neighborhoods corresponding to the requirements of comparable replacement housing. Information shall be provided concerning proximity to present employment sources, medical and recreational facilities, parks, community centers, shopping, transportation and schools. Information concerning proximity to other relevant needs and amenities is essential to ensuring that no residents are incapacitated by the relocation and such information also should be provided.