§ 71531. Records and Reports.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each hospital shall maintain copies of the following applicable documents on file in the administrative offices of the hospital:
    (1) Articles of incorporation or partnership agreement.
    (2) Bylaws and rules and regulations of the governing body.
    (3) Bylaws and rules and regulations of the medical staff.
    (4) Minutes of the meetings of the governing body and the medical staff.
    (5) Reports of inspections by local, state and federal agencies.
    (6) All contracts, leases and other agreements required by these regulations.
    (7) Patient admission roster.
    (8) Reports of unusual occurrences for the preceding two years.
    (9) Personnel records.
    (10) Policy manuals.
    (11) Procedure manuals.
    (12) Minutes and reports of the hospital infection control committee.
    (13) Any other records deemed necessary for the direct enforcement of these regulations by the Department.
    (b) The records and reports mentioned or referred to above shall be made available for inspection by any duly authorized officer, employee or agent of the Department.