§ 68400.15. Determination of Qualification.  

Latest version.
  • (a) To be considered for determination of qualification, an UPA shall submit an application to the Department pursuant to this section. An UPA shall indicate in its application the Tier for which it seeks qualification.
    (b) The Department, within 60 days of receipt of the application, shall inform the UPA, in writing, that either the application is complete and accepted for determination of qualification, or that the application is deficient and identify the information that is required to complete the application pursuant to this section.
    (c) The Department shall complete the review, within 90 days from the receipt of a completed application, to determine whether the UPA is qualified to implement and enforce the requirements for environmental assessments and corrective action portions of the unified program under Health and Safety Code section 25404.1(a)(3)(C).
    (d) The Department, upon completion of the review of the application, shall in writing either approve or disapprove the application for qualification. Within 30 days of approving the application, the Department shall issue a letter of qualification to the UPA (Notice of Approval). Within 45 days of disapproving the application, the Department shall issue a denial letter identifying the areas of deficiency pursuant to this section (Notice of Denial).
    (e) Qualification Decision Appeal Process.
    (1) The UPA, within 60 days of receipt of the Notice of Denial, may comment to the Department on the deficiencies and provide additional information to address the deficiencies.
    (2) The Department, within 60 days of the receipt of the UPA's comments on the Notice of Denial, shall respond, in writing, to approve or disapprove the application based on the review of the information provided by the UPA in subparagraph (e)(1). The UPA, within 45 days of receipt of this decision, may appeal in writing to the Director. Within 45 days of receipt of the appeal, the Director shall, in writing, issue a final decision.
    (f) Withdrawal of Determination of Qualification.
    (1) The Department may periodically review its determination of any UPA's qualification. The UPA shall make available to the Department all documents and records the Department deems necessary to conduct its review. The Department may withdraw its determination of qualification if an UPA fails to maintain compliance with this chapter.
    (A) If the Department determines an UPA is no longer qualified, it will issue a Notice of Withdrawal to the UPA. Within 45 days of receipt of a Notice of Withdrawal, the UPA may comment to the Department in writing on the reasons for withdrawal and may correct the deficiencies and/or provide additional information for consideration by the Department.
    (B) Within 60 days of the receipt of the UPA's comments, the Department will respond, in writing, with a decision on withdrawal.
    (C) Pursuant to subparagraph (f)(1)(B) of this section, if the Department's decision is to withdraw the determination of qualification, the UPA within 45 days of receipt of this decision, may appeal to the Director. Within 45 days of receipt of the appeal, the Director shall, in writing, issue a final decision to confirm or rescind the withdrawal.
    (2) Following a determination of qualification, if resources available to a UPA changed such that the UPA can no longer conduct or oversee environmental assessment and/or corrective action, the UPA shall notify the Department within 15 days of the change. Following receipt of the notice or upon its own determination that the UPA can no longer conduct or oversee environmental assessment and/or corrective action, the Department shall:
    (A) Withdraw its determination of qualification; or
    (B) If the Department determines that adequate resources will be in place within six months of the date of notice or determination, the UPA may maintain its determination of qualification as long as the UPA otherwise maintains the minimum qualifications for authorization and can continue to conduct or oversee environmental assessment and/or corrective action during the six month period.
1. New section filed 7-20-2006; operative 8-19-2006 (Register 2006, No. 29).


Note: Authority cited: Sections 25150, 25404.1 and 58012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25187, 25187.1, 25200.3, 25200.10, 25200.14, 25356.1 and 25404.1, Health and Safety Code.