§ 68030. Application Requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a) All applicants seeking a hazardous waste technology certification evaluation shall submit the following information to the Department, unless the Department indicates to the applicant in writing that a particular item is inapplicable and need not be submitted:
    (1) Name of applicant, contact person, mailing address, and telephone number.
    (2) A technology description including but not limited to a discussion of the unit processes or specific steps by which the technology operates, process flow diagrams, piping and instrumentation diagrams, and equipment specifications.
    (3) The underlying scientific and engineering principles of the technology supported by technical literature, patents, and other documentation, if available.
    (4) A description of the commercial status of the technology.
    (5) Proposed certification statement, including performance claims and the hazardous waste streams or materials for which the applicant wants the technology to be certified.
    (6) An estimate of the efficacy and efficiency of the technology in regard to those hazardous waste streams/materials for which certification is desired and bases for arriving at the estimates.
    (7) Recommended operating conditions and limits.
    (8) Supporting data and documentation necessary to verify the efficacy and efficiency of the technology for the recommended operating limits. Where existing data are insufficient, the applicant shall provide a description of new studies and experiments needed to generate the necessary data.
    (9) Description of all potential environmental impacts, including but not limited to emissions, discharges, and residuals from use of the technology.
    (10) Quality control/quality assurance procedures.
    (11) Critical operating parameters and conditions.
    (12) Monitoring and control of operating parameters and conditions.
    (13) Operator training, education, and experience requirements to safely and effectively operate the technology, if any.
    (14) Operation and maintenance procedures (including installation, inspection, and emergency and upset instructions), supported by documents such as standard operational procedures, users manuals, operational and maintenance manuals.
    (15) Documents which address worker health and safety issues and requirements related to the use of the technology, including but not limited to material safety data sheets and health and safety plans.
    (16) The hazards to health, safety, or to the environment posed by those hazardous wastes and materials and their constituents for which the technology is designed to manage.
    (17) The complexity and degree of difficulty of operating the technology in regards to the hazardous waste streams and materials for which certification is desired.
    (18) The chemical or physical hazards that are associated with the use of the technology, and the hazards associated with the process which produced the hazardous waste or wastes.
    (19) The levels of specialized operator training, technology maintenance, and monitoring that are required to ensure that the technology is operated safely and effectively.
    (20) The types of accidents or system upsets which may occur during use of the technology in managing those hazardous waste streams and materials for which certification is desired, the likely consequences of those accidents, and the actual accident history associated with the use of the technology.
    (21) Any additional information deemed necessary by the Department in order for it to make a determination regarding suitability for certification.
1. New section filed 10-5-98; operative 11-4-98 (Register 98, No. 41).


Note: Authority cited: Sections 25150, 25200.1.5, 58004 and 58012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25200.1.5, 25200.3 and 25201.5, Health and Safety Code.