§ 67410.5. Disclosure of Identity, Composition, and Properties.  

Latest version.
  • (a) At the request of the Department, the seller of a chemical toilet additive shall provide the Department with the brand name or other designation and the name and address of the producer or other supplier of each chemical toilet additive that the seller offers for sale.
    (b) At the request of the Department, a person in the State of California who manufactures, formulates, packages, imports or receives from outside the State a material for sale within the State for use as a chemical toilet additive, as indicated on a label on the container or by any other representation by said person, shall disclose to the Department the names of all of the ingredients of the material and provide toxicological and biodegradability data which establish to the satisfaction of the Department whether the material contains any ingredient which is a nonbiodegradable toxic chemical substance.
    (c) At the request of the Department, the user of a chemical toilet additive for the user's household purpose shall disclose to the Department the brand name or other designation of the additive and the name and address of its producer or seller.
    (d) At the request of the Department, a person who uses a chemical toilet additive for other than that person's household purpose, including a person who maintains or services chemical toilets or chemical toilet waste holding tanks or who collects, transports, or disposes of chemical toilet wastes as a commercial business, as part of or incidental to a com mercial business, as a government agency, or for hire, shall disclose to the Department:
    (1) the brand name or other designation of the chemical toilet additive used and the name and address of its producer or seller;
    (2) the names of all ingredients of any material used as a chemical toilet additive which is not labeled on its container or in accompanying printed matter to indicate its use for such purpose, its brand name or other designation, and its producer or seller. At the request of the Department, the person shall also provide toxicological and biodegradability data which establish to the satisfaction of the Department whether the material contains any ingredient which is a nonbiodegradable toxic chemical substance.
    (e) The chemical analyses and bioassay methods and procedures used in obtaining data and the quality and adequacy of the data which are submitted in compliance with this section shall be subject to approval of the Department.
1. New section filed 5-24-91; operative 7-1-91 (Register 91, No. 22).


Note: Authority cited: Section 25210, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 25210, Health and Safety Code.