§ 67386.7. Offsite Shipments.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Except as provided in subsection (c), a TWW handler is prohibited from sending or taking TWW to a place other than a TWW facility, or a TWW approved landfill.
    (b) Prior to sending a shipment of TWW to another TWW handler, the originating handler shall ensure that the receiving handler agrees to receive the shipment.
    (c) A TWW handler who initially collects TWW at a remote site may transport that TWW to a consolidation site operated by the generator if all the following conditions are met;
    (1) the TWW is transported by the generator, employees of the generator or by the generator's agent;
    (2) a shipping document containing all of the following information accompanies the TWW while in transport;
    (A) the quantity, by weight or volume, of TWW being transported;
    (B) the location of the remote site where the TWW was initially collected;
    (C) the date that the generator first began to accumulate the TWW at the remote site, the date that the shipment leaves the remote site, and the date that the shipment arrives at the consolidation site;
    (D) the name, address, and telephone number of the generator, and, if different, the address and telephone number of the consolidation site to which the TWW is being transported; and
    (E) the name of the individual or individuals who transport the TWW from the remote site to the consolidation site; and
    (3) the TWW handler shall retain the shipping document described in subsection (c)(2) of this section for at least three years from the date the TWW leaves the TWW consolidation site.
    (d) TWW shall be shipped and/or transported in a manner that prevents unauthorized access; protects the TWW from precipitation; and prevents loss, dispersion, and leaching of TWW constituents.
1. New section filed 6-18-2007; operative 7-1-2007 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2007, No. 25).


Note: Authority cited: Sections 25150, 25150.7 and 58012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25150.7 and 25150.8, Health and Safety Code.