§ 67386.5. Labeling.  

Latest version.
  • (a) TWW generated, accumulated, stored, or transported within California shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection. The person managing the TWW shall ensure that each unit and/or area designated for accumulation of TWW is labeled. The area designated for accumulation of TWW shall be clearly identified and used solely for the accumulation of TWW.
    (b) In order to clearly identify the nature of the waste to the receiving party and/or any observer, the TWW shall be labeled or marked with the following:
    “TREATED WOOD WASTE -Do not burn or scavenge.
    TWW Handler Name and Address: __________________
    Accumulation Date: _________________________”.
    (c) The TWW handler shall ensure that labels are maintained in compliance with the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) during transport.
    (d) TWW accumulated for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days by a household at the site of generation in compliance with the requirements of section 67386.6 is exempt from the labeling requirements of this section.
    (e) TWW, generated by a household, while being self-transported to an approved TWW facility is exempt from the labeling requirements of this section if the TWW is identified to the TWW facility as TWW.
1. New section filed 6-18-2007; operative 7-1-2007 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2007, No. 25).
2. Amendment of subsection (e) filed 10-3-2007; operative 11-2-2007 (Register 2007, No. 40).


Note: Authority cited: Sections 25150, 25150.7 and 58012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25150.7 and 25150.8, Health and Safety Code.