§ 66273.82. Management of Crt Panel Glass Prior to Disposal.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A universal waste handler shall manage CRT panel glass that meets the criteria specified in section 66273.81 and is destined for disposal in a class II or class III landfill in accordance with the requirements of this section.
    (b) The universal waste handler shall manage the CRT panel glass in accordance with subsection (c)(1)(B) of section 66273.33.5.
    (c) The universal waste handler shall clearly mark or label the accumulation areas and/or containers used to contain the CRT panel glass with the words “Excluded Hazardous Waste - CRT Panel Glass”.
    (d) The universal waste handler shall not accumulate the CRT panel glass for longer than 180 days from the date of generation.
    (e) The universal waste handler shall provide personnel training to persons who manage CRT panel glass for disposal in a class II or class III landfill, pursuant to section 66273.36.
    (f) The universal waste handler shall comply with the response to releases requirements of section 66273.37.
    (g) The universal waste handler shall submit a notification and certification to the Department at least 60 days prior to the initial shipment of CRT panel glass.
    (1) The notification shall include the following:
    (A) Name(s), address(es) and telephone number(s) of the class II or class III landfill(s) receiving the CRT panel glass shipment(s);
    (B) A description of the CRT panel glass and how it was generated; and
    (C) The ID number for the universal waste handler facility where the CRT panel glass was generated.
    (2) The certification shall be signed by an authorized representative of the handler's facility and shall state as follows:
    “I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the treatment technology and operation of the treatment process used to support this certification. Based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining this information, I believe that the treatment process has been operated and maintained properly so as to generate CRT panel glass that meets the criteria specified in section 66273.81 without impermissible dilution. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting a false certification, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.”
    (3) The universal waste handler shall submit the notification and certification pursuant to subsection (f) of section 66273.74.
    (h) If the concentration of hazardous constituents in the CRTs or the treatment method generating the CRT panel glass changes to the extent that the certification required by subsection (g) of this section is no longer valid or the class II or class III landfill to receive the CRT panel glass changes, the universal waste handler shall update the notification and certification and submit them to DTSC at least 60 days prior to any subsequent shipment of CRT panel glass.
    (i) A universal waste handler shall comply with article 10 of this chapter for documents or information that the universal waste handler submits to the Department pursuant to subsection (g) of this section and for which the universal waste handler asserts a claim of trade secret protection.
1. New section filed 10-15-2012 as an emergency; operative 10-15-2012 (Register 2012, No. 42). Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 25214.10.2, this emergency regulation shall remain in effect for a period of two years or until revised by the department, whichever occurs sooner. For prior history of section 66273.82, see Register 2009, No. 10.


Note: Authority cited: Sections 25141.5, 25150, 25173, 25214.9, 25214.10.2 and 58012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25141.5, 25150, 25159.5, 25173, 25179.6 and 25214.9, Health and Safety Code.