§ 66273.74. Notification, Annual Reporting, and Recordkeeping.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Notification.
    (1) Universal waste handlers of electronic devices and/or CRTs.
    Except as otherwise provided in sections 66273.71 and 66273.72, a universal waste handler who intends to treat any electronic device and/or CRT pursuant to this article shall submit to the Department at the address given in subsection (e) or (f) of this section, an electronic or written notification containing the following information no later than 30 calendar days prior to treating any electronic device and/or CRT:
    (A) Name of universal waste handler;
    (B) Telephone number of universal waste handler;
    (C) Mailing address of universal waste handler, and physical address, including county, if different from the mailing address;
    (D) If different from the notifier pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the name and mailing address of the organization (as authorized to transact business in California) that owns and/or operates the facility;
    (E) Name, business telephone number, and e-mail address (if available) of the person at the universal waste handler's site who should be contacted regarding universal waste management activities;
    (F) Facility ID Number, if issued;
    (G) A general description of the source(s) of electronic devices and/or CRTs [e.g., residential collection(s), other collector(s), etc.];
    (H) Type(s) of electronic devices and/or CRTs expected to be treated;
    (I) A description of the treatment process(es) to be used; and
    (J) Documentation that the facility operator has notified the facility property owner (if different from the operator of the facility) that the facility operator is treating electronic devices and/or CRTs at the facility.
    (2) A universal waste handler who is deemed the generator of hazardous waste CRTs and/or CRT glass pursuant to subsections (b)(4)(D), (b)(4)(E), (c)(3)(C) or (c)(3)(D) of section 66273.72 or subsection (f)(4) or (f)(5) of section 66273.75 of this chapter shall submit to the Department, at the address provided in subsection (f) of this section, a written notification containing the following information no later than 15 calendar days after determining that the CRTs and/or CRT glass is destined for recycling by means other than through reclamation at a CRT glass manufacturer or primary or secondary lead smelter or disposal at a class I landfill:
    (A) The ID number for the universal waste handler's facility where the CRTs and/or CRT glass was generated;
    (B) A description of the authorized treatment method(s) used to generate the CRTs and/or CRT glass, and whether the CRTs and/or CRT glass is destined for disposal or recycling; and
    (C) A description of the recycling method(s), as specified in this subsection, to be used, if applicable.
    (3) A universal waste hander shall comply with article 10 of this chapter for documents or information that the universal waste handler submits to the Department pursuant to subsection (a)(2) of this section and for which the universal waste handler asserts a claim of trade secret protection.
    (4) Universal waste handlers of mercury ampules, mercury switches, and/or pressure or vacuum gauges: Any universal waste handler who intends to treat any equipment containing mercury ampules and/or mercury switches, and/or to treat any pressure or vacuum gauge, pursuant to this article is not required to notify the Department pursuant to this section.
    (b) Annual reporting.
    (1) Universal waste handlers of electronic devices and/or CRTs. Except as otherwise provided in sections 66273.71 and 66273.72, a universal waste handler who treated any electronic device and/or CRT pursuant to this article in a calendar year shall, by February 1 of the following year, submit to the Department at the address given in subsection (e) or (f) of this section, an electronic or written annual report containing the information specified in subsection (b)(1)(A) through (b)(1)(J) of this section. The information submitted shall cover the electronic device treatment and CRT treatment activities conducted during the previous calendar year.
    (A) Name, mailing address (and physical address, including county, if different from the mailing address), and telephone number of the universal waste handler;
    (B) A description of the facility;
    (C) Name and mailing address of the organization (as authorized to transact business in California) that owns and/or operates the facility;
    (D) Name, title, telephone number, and e-mail address (if available) of the contact person at the universal waste handler's physical address who should be contacted regarding universal waste management activities at that location;
    (E) Facility ID Number, if issued;
    (F) Number of days the facility operated;
    (G) Types of electronic devices and/or CRTs treated at the facility;
    (H) Treatment method used for each type of electronic device and/or CRT treated at the facility;
    (I) The following quantities treated, which include any quantities treated but not shipped:
    1. The total quantity of CRT devices (count) treated during the previous calendar year;
    2. The total quantity of CRTs (count) treated during the previous calendar year; and/or
    3. The total quantity of electronic devices other than CRT devices (count or weight) treated during the previous calendar year.
    (J) A list consisting of:
    1. The name, address, and telephone number for each of the locations to which the universal waste handler shipped CRTs, CRT glass, scrap metal, yokes, universal waste (e.g., lamps, batteries, etc.), and/or exempt materials during the previous calendar year; and
    2. The following quantities shipped to each of those locations:
    a. The total quantity of CRTs (count) or CRT glass (weight) shipped to that location during the previous calendar year, including in this case a declaration of whether that location is a CRT glass manufacturer, a primary lead smelter, a secondary lead smelter, a destination facility or a class II or class III landfill;
    b. The total quantity of residual printed circuit boards and scrap metal (weight) from all treatment activities reported pursuant to this subsection shipped to that location during the previous calendar year;
    c. The total quantity of yokes (weight) shipped to that location during the previous calendar year; and/or
    d. The total quantity of universal waste (weight) shipped to that location during the previous calendar year.
    (K) Whenever necessary, a universal waste handler who utilizes a mass-based inventory system to quantify CRTs, CRT devices, or electronic devices other than CRT devices, may convert mass data to count data through application of an appropriate conversion factor (e.g., 30 pounds per CRT) to fulfill the annual reporting requirement of this subsection (b). A universal waste handler who performs such a data conversion(s) shall indicate that the count data were derived from mass data and shall include the conversion factor(s) used in the annual report.
    (2) Universal waste handlers of mercury ampules, mercury switches, and/or pressure or vacuum gauges: Any universal waste handler who treated any equipment containing mercury ampules and/or mercury switches, and/or treated any pressure or vacuum gauge, pursuant to this article is not required to submit an annual report to the Department pursuant to this section.
    (c) Recordkeeping.
    (1)(A) Universal waste handlers of electronic devices and/or CRTs.
    Except as otherwise provided in sections 66273.71 and 66273.72, a universal waste handler who treats any electronic device and/or CRT pursuant to this article shall maintain on file at the universal waste handler's facility, the following documents as specified:
    1. A copy of the notification submitted to the Department as required by subsection (a)(1) of this section.
    2. A copy of the notification submitted to the Department as required by subsection (a)(2) of this section.
    3. A copy of the most recent annual report submitted to the Department as required by subsection (b) of this section, beginning no later than February 1 of the year following the most recent calendar year during which the universal waste handler treated any electronic device and/or CRT at the universal waste handler's facility pursuant to this article.
    4. A current copy of any local air district permit and/or other relevant permit required for the facility, beginning no later than the date on which the local air district and/or other relevant permitting authority required the universal waste handler to possess such a permit.
    5. A copy of the documents that contain the information specified in section 66273.72, subsection (b)(4)(E)2.
    6. A copy of the documents that contain the information specified in section 66273.72, subsection (b)(4)(F)2.
    7. A copy of the documents that contain the information specified in section 66273.72, subsection (c)(3)(D)2.
    8. A copy of the documents that contain the information specified in section 66273.72, subsection (c)(3)(E)2.
    9. A copy of the documents that contain the information specified in section 66273.75, subsection (f)(5)(B).
    10. A copy of the documents that contain the information specified in section 66273.75, subsection (f)(6)(B).
    11. A copy of the records that make the demonstration required by section 66273.81, subsection (d).
    (B) The universal waste handler shall make available the relevant documents identified in subsections (c)(1)(A)1. through (c)(1)(A)3. of this section at the universal waste handler's facility upon request, to any representative of the Department, USEPA, or a local governmental agency having jurisdiction over the facility.
    (C) The universal waste handler shall either deliver in person or send to the Department by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of any relevant document identified in subsection (c)(1)(A)3. of this section upon receipt of a written request from the Department. The Department shall specify in its written request all of the following: the identities of the documents of which copies are required; the place where those copies shall be delivered or sent; and the date by which those copies shall be submitted.
    (2) Universal waste handlers of mercury switches.
    Except as otherwise provided in sections 66273.71 and 66273.72, a universal waste handler who removes mercury switches from vehicles and/or household appliances shall keep records, on paper or electronically, of the removal of mercury switches from vehicles and/or household appliances for at least three years from the date of removal. The records shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
    (A) The total number of vehicles crushed, baled, sheared, or shredded;
    (B) The total number of appliances destined for shredding;
    (C) The total number of vehicles or appliances destined for crushing, baling, shearing, or shredding that were determined to contain one or more mercury switches;
    (D) The number of mercury switches removed from these vehicles and appliances; and
    (E) The number of motor vehicles from which mercury switches could not be removed due to accidental damage to the vehicle.
    (d) Notifications and annual reports required pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be dated, signed, and certified according to the requirements of section 66270.11, subsections (a) and (d) as those requirements apply to permit applications and permit-application certifications, respectively.
    (e) If submitted electronically, notifications and annual reports required pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be addressed to the Department at http://www.dtsc.ca.gov. For electronic notifications and annual reports made pursuant to this section, the universal waste handler signature required by subsection (d) of this section shall be submitted to the address provided in subsection (f) of this section.
    (f) If submitted in writing, notifications and annual reports required pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be sent to the Department by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the following address: Department of Toxic Substances Control, Universal Waste Notification and Reporting Staff, P.O. Box 806, Sacramento, CA 95812-0806, with the words “Attention: Universal Waste Handling Activities” prominently displayed on the front of the envelope.
1. New section filed 2-4-2009; operative 2-4-2009 (Register 2009, No. 6).
2. Amendment of section and Note filed 10-15-2012 as an emergency; operative 10-15-2012 (Register 2012, No. 42). Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 25214.10.2, this emergency regulation shall remain in effect for a period of two years or until revised by the department, whichever occurs sooner.


Note: Authority cited: Sections 25141, 25141.5, 25143.2, 25150, 25201, 25214.6, 25214.9, 25214.10.2, 26219.1 and 58012, Health and Safety Code; and Section 42475, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 25141, 25141.5, 25143.2, 25150, 25159.5, 25179.6, 25201, 25212, 25214.6, 25214.9, 25219, 25219.1 and 25219.2, Health and Safety Code.