§ 66265.381. Closure.  

Latest version.
  • At closure, the owner or operator shall remove all hazardous waste and hazardous waste residues (including, but not limited to, ash) from the thermal treatment process or equipment. At closure, as throughout the operating period, unless the owner or operator can demonstrate, in accordance with section 66261.3(c) or (d), that any waste removed from that owner or operator's thermal treatment process or equipment is not a hazardous waste, the owner or operator becomes a generator of hazardous waste and shall manage it in accordance with all applicable requirements of this division.
1. New section filed 5-24-91; operative 7-1-91 (Register 91, No. 22).


Note: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 25159, Health and Safety Code. Reference cited: Sections 25159.5 and 25200, Health and Safety Code; 40 CFR Section 265.381.