§ 66265.195. Inspections.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The owner or operator shall inspect, where present, at least once each operating day:
    (1) overfill/spill control equipment (e.g., waste-feed cutoff systems, bypass systems, and drainage systems) to ensure that it is in good working order;
    (2) the aboveground portions of the tank system, if any, to detect corrosion or releases of waste;
    (3) data gathered from monitoring equipment and leak-detection equipment, (e.g., pressure and temperature gauges, monitoring wells) to ensure that the tank system is being operated according to its design;
    (4) the construction materials and the area immediately surrounding the externally accessible portion of the tank system including secondary containment structures (e.g., dikes) to detect erosion or signs of releases of hazardous waste (e.g., wet spots, dead vegetation); and
    (5) for uncovered tanks, the level of waste in the tank, to ensure compliance with section 66265.194(b)(3).
    (b) The owner or operator shall inspect cathodic protection systems, if present, according to, at a minimum, the following schedule to ensure that they are functioning properly:
    (1) the proper operation of the cathodic protection system shall be confirmed within six months after initial installation, and annually thereafter; and
    (2) all sources of impressed current shall be inspected and/or tested, as appropriate, at least bimonthly (i.e., every other month).
    (c) The owner or operator shall document in the operating record of the facility an inspection of those items in subsections (a) and (b) of this section.
1. New section filed 5-24-91; operative 7-1-91 (Register 91, No. 22).


Note: Authority cited: Sections 208, 25150 and 25159, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25159 and 25159.5, Health and Safety Code; 40 CFR Section 265.195.