§ 66264.98. Detection Monitoring Program.  

Latest version.
  • (a) An owner or operator required, pursuant to section 66264.91, to establish a detection monitoring program for a regulated unit shall, at a minimum, comply with the requirements of this section for that unit.
    (b) The owner or operator shall install water quality monitoring systems that are appropriate for detection monitoring and that comply with the provisions of section 66264.97.
    (c) The owner or operator shall establish a background value pursuant to section 66264.97(e)(11) for each monitoring parameter specified under subsection (e) of this section and for each constituent of concern specified under section 66264.93.
    (d) The Department shall specify the water quality protection standard under section 66264.92 in the facility permit.
    (e) The owner or operator shall propose for approval by the Department a list of monitoring parameters for each medium (groundwater, surface water, and the unsaturated zone) to be monitored pursuant to section 66264.97. The list for each medium shall include those physical parameters, hazardous constituents, waste constituents and reaction products that provide a reliable indication of a release from the regulated unit to that medium. The Department shall specify each list of monitoring parameters in the facility permit after considering the following factors:
    (1) the types, quantities and concentrations of constituents in wastes managed at the regulated unit;
    (2) the expected or demonstrated correlation between the proposed monitoring parameters and the constituents of concern specified for the unit under section 66264.93;
    (3) the mobility, stability and persistence of waste constituents or their reaction products;
    (4) the detectability of physical parameters, waste constituents and reaction products; and
    (5) the background values and the coefficients of variation of proposed monitoring parameters in groundwater, surface water and the unsaturated zone.
    (f) The owner or operator shall conduct sampling and analyses for the monitoring parameters listed in the facility permit pursuant to subsection (e) of this section. The Department shall specify the frequencies for collecting samples and conducting statistical analyses pursuant to section 66264.97(e)(12). For groundwater, sampling shall be scheduled to include the times of expected highest and lowest annual elevations of the groundwater surface unless the owner or operator can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Department that alternative sampling times are appropriate.
    (g) In addition to monitoring for the monitoring parameters specified under subsection (e) of this section, the owner or operator shall periodically monitor for all constituents of concern specified in the facility permit and determine whether there is statistically significant evidence of a release for any constituent of concern using the statistical procedure specified pursuant to section 66264.97(e)(7). The Department shall specify in the facility permit the frequencies and locations for monitoring pursuant to this subsection after considering the degree of certainty associated with the expected or demonstrated correlation between values for monitoring parameters and values for the constituents of concern. Monitoring pursuant to this subsection shall be conducted at least every five years.
    (h) The owner or operator shall maintain a record of water quality analytical data as measured and in a form necessary for the determination of statistical significance under subsections (g) and (i) of this section.
    (i) For each monitoring point, the owner or operator shall determine whether there is statistically significant evidence of a release from the regulated unit for any monitoring parameter specified in the permit pursuant to subsection (e) of this section at a frequency specified pursuant to subsection (f) of this section.
    (1) In determining whether statistically significant evidence of a release from the regulated unit exists, the owner or operator shall use the method(s) specified in the permit under section 66264.97(e)(7). This method(s) shall be used to compare data collected at the monitoring point(s) with the background water quality data.
    (2) The owner or operator shall determine whether there is statistically significant evidence of a release from the regulated unit at each monitoring point within a reasonable period of time after completion of sampling. The Department shall specify in the facility permit what period of time is reasonable, after considering the complexity of the statistical test and the availability of laboratory facilities to perform the analysis of samples.
    (3) The provisions of this section shall not preclude the Department from making an independent finding that there is statistically significant evidence of a release from the regulated unit. If the Department makes such a finding, the owner or operator shall comply with the provisions of this section that are required in response to statistically significant evidence of a release from the regulated unit.
    (j) If the owner or operator determines pursuant to subsection (g) or (i) of this section that there is statistically significant evidence of a release from the regulated unit for any monitoring parameter or constituent of concern at any monitoring point, the owner or operator:
    (1) shall notify the Department of the finding by certified mail within seven days of such determination. The notification shall identify for each affected monitoring point the monitoring parameters and constituents of concern that have indicated statistically significant evidence of a release from the regulated unit; and
    (2) may immediately initiate a procedure to verify that there is statistically significant evidence of a release from the regulated unit for a parameter or constituent which has indicated a release at a monitoring point if that verification procedure has been specified for that constituent or parameter in the facility permit pursuant to section 66264.97(e)(8)(E).
    (k) If the resampling pursuant to subsection (j)(2) of this section confirms that there is statistically significant evidence of a release from the regulated unit or if the owner or operator does not resample pursuant to subsection (j)(2) of this section, then the owner or operator shall do the following.
    (1) For that regulated unit, immediately sample all monitoring points affected by a release from the regulated unit and determine the concentration of all constituents of concern. The owner or operator may modify the number of monitoring points and constituents of concern after receiving written approval from the Department.
    (2) For that regulated unit, immediately sample all monitoring points affected by a release from the regulated unit and determine whether constituents in the list of Appendix IX to chapter 14 are present, and if so, in what concentration(s). The owner or operator may modify the number of specific Appendix IX analytes based on site-specific conditions and previous Appendix IX sampling results after receiving written approval from the Department.
    (3) For any Appendix IX constituents found in the analysis pursuant to subsection (k)(2) of this section that are not specified in the list of constituents of concern for that unit, the owner or operator may resample within one month and repeat the analysis for those constituents. Resampling may occur within a different time frame provided the owner or operator receives written approval from the Department. Each constituent detected in both analyses shall be added to the list of constituents of concern specified in the facility permit for evaluation monitoring unless the owner or operator demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Department that the constituent is not reasonably expected to be in or derived from waste in the regulated unit. If the owner or operator does not resample for the constituents found pursuant to subsection (k)(2) of this section, the constituents found during this initial Appendix IX analysis will be added to the list of constituents of concern specified in the facility permit for evaluation monitoring unless the owner or operator demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Department that the constituent is not reasonably expected to be in or derived from waste in the regulated unit.
    (4) For each Appendix IX constituent added to the list of constituents of concern pursuant to subsection (k)(3) of this section, the owner or operator shall:
    (A) collect all data necessary for establishing the background concentration for that constituent and for selecting an appropriate statistical procedure pursuant to section 66264.97(e)(6);
    (B) propose an appropriate statistical procedure pursuant to section 66264.97(e)(7);
    (C) propose a procedure to establish the background concentration for that constituent pursuant to section 66264.97(e)(10); and
    (D) establish the background concentration pursuant to section 66264.97(e)(11).
    (5) Within 90 days of determining statistically significant evidence of a release, the owner or operator shall submit to the Department an application for a permit modification to establish an evaluation monitoring program meeting the provisions of section 66264.99. The application shall include the following information:
    (A) an identification of the concentration of each constituent of concern at each monitoring point as determined during the most recent sampling events, and an identification of the concentration of each Appendix IX constituent at each monitoring point affected by a release from the regulated unit;
    (B) any proposed changes to the water quality monitoring systems at the facility necessary to meet the requirements of section 66264.99;
    (C) any proposed additions or changes to the monitoring frequency, sampling and analytical procedures or methods or statistical methods used at the facility necessary to meet the requirements of section 66264.99;
    (D) a detailed description of the measures to be taken by the owner or operator to assess the nature and extent of the release from the regulated unit.
    (6) Within 180 days of determining statistically significant evidence of a release, the owner or operator shall submit to the Department an engineering feasibility study for a corrective action program necessary to meet the requirements of section 66264.100. At a minimum, the feasibility study shall contain a detailed description of the corrective action measures that could be taken to achieve background concentrations for all constituents of concern.
    (7) If the owner or operator determines, pursuant to subsection (g) or (i) of this section, that there is statistically significant evidence of a release from the regulated unit at any monitoring point, the owner or operator may demonstrate that a source other than the regulated unit caused the evidence of a release or that the evidence is an artifact caused by an error in sampling, analysis or statistical evaluation, or by natural variation in the groundwater, surface water or the unsaturated zone. The owner or operator may make a demonstration pursuant to this subsection in addition to, or in lieu of, submitting both a permit modification application pursuant to subsection (k)(5) of this section and an engineering feasibility study pursuant to subsection (k)(6) of this section; however, the owner or operator is not relieved of the requirements specified in subsections (k)(5) and (k)(6) of this section unless the demonstration made under this subsection successfully shows that a source other than the regulated unit caused the evidence of a release or that the evidence resulted from error in sampling, analysis or evaluation or from natural variation in groundwater, surface water or the unsaturated zone. In making a demonstration pursuant to this subsection, the owner or operator shall:
    (A) within seven days of determining statistically significant evidence of a release, notify the Department by certified mail that the owner or operator intends to make a demonstration pursuant to this subsection;
    (B) within 90 days of determining statistically significant evidence of a release, submit a report to the Department that demonstrates that a source other than the regulated unit caused the evidence, or that the evidence resulted from error in sampling, analysis or evaluation or from natural variation in groundwater, surface water or the unsaturated zone;
    (C) within 90 days of determining statistically significant evidence of a release, submit to the Department an application for a permit modification to make any appropriate changes to the detection monitoring program; and
    (D) continue to monitor in accordance with the detection monitoring program established under this section.
    (l) If the owner or operator determines that there is significant physical evidence of a release as described in section 66264.91(a)(3) or that the detection monitoring program does not satisfy the requirements of this section, the owner or operator shall:
    (1) notify the Department by certified mail within seven days of such determination; and
    (2) within 90 days of such determination, submit an application for a permit modification to make any appropriate changes to the program.
    (m) Any time the Department determines that the detection monitoring program does not satisfy the requirements of this section, the Department shall send written notification of such determination to the owner or operator by certified mail, return receipt requested. The owner or operator shall, within 90 days after receipt of such notification by the Department, submit an application for a permit modification to make any appropriate changes to the program.
    (n) For any regulated unit for which a detection monitoring program is established after the successful completion of a corrective action program pursuant to section 66264.100(g):
    (1) the Department shall include in the list of monitoring parameters for each medium (groundwater, surface water and the unsaturated zone) all hazardous constituents that have been detected in that medium due to a release from that regulated unit;
    (2) the owner or operator shall analyze samples from all groundwater monitoring points at the point of compliance for that regulated unit and determine the concentration of each constituent contained in Appendix IX to chapter 14 at least annually during any remaining years of the compliance period. The owner or operator may propose to modify the number of monitoring points and specific Appendix IX analytes for analysis based on site-specific conditions and previous Appendix IX sampling results. If the Department approves the proposal, it shall be incorporated into the monitoring and response program. If the owner or operator finds either an Appendix IX constituent at a concentration above the concentration limit established in the permit for that constituent or one that is not already identified in the permit as a monitoring parameter, the owner or operator may resample within one month of the original sample and repeat the analysis for those constituents. Resampling may occur within a different time frame provided the owner or operator receives written approval from the Department. If the owner or operator does not resample, or if the resampling confirms that the concentration limit for a constituent has been exceeded or that a new constituent is present:
    (A) the owner or operator shall report the concentration of each such constituent to the Department within seven days of the latest analysis;
    (B) the Department shall add each such constituent to the list of monitoring parameters specified in the facility permit for groundwater unless the owner or operator demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Department that the constituent is not reasonably expected to be in or derived from waste in the regulated unit; and
    (C) if a constituent is added to the list of monitoring parameters pursuant to subsection (n)(2)(B) of this section, the owner or operator shall immediately collect samples and conduct statistical tests for each monitoring parameter to determine whether there is statistically significant evidence of a release from the regulated unit.
1. New section filed 5-24-91; effective 7-1-91 (Register 91, No. 22).
2. Amendment of subsections (f), (k)(1)-(3), (k)(5)(A), (k)(7)(A) and (n)(2) and amendment of Note filed 4-12-2011; operative 5-12-2011 (Register 2011, No. 15).


Note: Authority cited: Sections 25150, 25159 and 58012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25150, 25159 and 25159.5, Health and Safety Code; and 40 CFR Section 264.98.