§ 2053. Adequate Financing.

Latest version.
  • (a) The Bureau may require a gambling establishment to present satisfactory evidence that there is adequate financing available to protect the public's health, safety and welfare.
    (b) A gambling establishment shall maintain a separate, specifically designated, insured account with a licensed financial institution in an amount not less than the total value of the chips in use by the gambling establishment. The funds from that account may only be used to redeem the chips of that gambling establishment. That account may not be used as collateral, or encumbered or hypothecated in any fashion. Alternatively, the Bureau may allow the gambling establishment to provide some other form of security acceptable to the Bureau, in lieu of maintaining the required account.
    (c) A gambling establishment shall maintain a separate, specifically designated, insured account with a licensed financial institution in an amount not less than the total amount of the monies that patrons of that gambling establishment have on deposit with the gambling establishment. The funds from that account may only be used to return to the patrons the balance of monies on deposit with the gambling establishment. That account may not be used as collateral, or encumbered or hypothecated in any fashion. Alternatively, the Bureau may allow the gambling establishment to provide some other form of security acceptable to the Bureau, in lieu of maintaining the required account.
1. New section filed 10-12-99; operative 10-12-99 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(d) (Register 99, No. 42).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending Note filed 1-6-2004 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2004, No. 2).
3. Change without regulatory effect amending section filed 5-28-2008 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2008, No. 22).


Note: Authority cited: Sections 19826(f) and 19827, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 19920 and 19924, Business and Professions Code.